A small, beautiful and gentle plant, chamomile has long been use as an everyday tea but is equally value for its powerful medicinal properties. A warm cup of chamomile tea before going to bed can help to fall asleep.
A favorite herb for children, chamomile has been use to treat children’s colic, nervous stress, infections, and stomach disorders.
Chamomile tea is calming and supports sleep. It is proven to reduce anxiety, nightmares, and insomnia. One active ingredient called apigenin reduces locomotor activity, which disrupts sleep in restless sleepers.
Also, the first controlled study of the use of chamomile extract showed that it has a moderate effect in reducing anxiety in people with general anxiety disorder. Besides its excellent anti-anxiety properties, chamomile is an antispasmoic and can help alleviate menstrual cramps.
Chamomile has sweet flavor with slightly bitter aftertones. The longer the herb is left to steep, the more bitter it becomes.
Chamomile tea for anxiety
The Impact of Compulsive Shopping
A shopaholic, also known as a compulsive shopper or shopping addict, is an
individual who experiences an uncontrollable urge to shop and spend money,