Tamarindus indicia L., commonly known as the tamarind tree belongs to the Dicotyledonous family Leguminosae Sub Family Caesalpiniaceae, which is the third largest family of flowering plants with a total of 727 genera and 19, 327 species.
The most valuable and commonly used part is the fruit. The pulp constitutes 30–50 % of the ripe fruit, the shell and fibre account for 11–30 % and the seed about 25–40 %. Tamarind is commonly used as a health remedy throughout Asia, Africa and the Americas.
Tamarind fruit pulp has a sweet acidic taste due to a combination of high contents of tartaric acid and reducing sugars. The pulp is used for seasoning, in prepared foods, to flavour confections, curries and sauces, and as a major ingredient in juices and other beverages.
One of the most known health benefits of tamarind is its use as medicine since the ancient times. It has been known to be useful for treating constipation and liver problems among others. Tamarind is particularly useful for managing pain and inflammation on joints.
Tamarind used for treating sore throat. It is either gargled or drunk as tamarind juice to help relief pain and discomfort of sore throats. Tamarind fruit is commonly used throughout Southeast Asia as a poultice applied foreheads of fever sufferers. In traditional Thai medicine, the fruit of the tamarind is used as a digestive aid, carminative, laxative, expectorant and blood tonic.
In Northern Nigeria, the fresh stem bark and leaves are used as decoction variegated with potash for the treatment of stomach disorder, general body pain, jaundice, yellow fever and as a blood tonic and skin cleanser. Medicinal uses of tamarind can be found in many cultures and for a wide array of applications . The medicinal value of tamarind has been mentioned already in traditional Sanskrit literature.
Tamarind products, leaves, fruits and seeds have been extensively used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine and traditional African medicine. Tamarind fruits were well known in Europe for their medicinal properties, having been introduced by Arab traders from India.
Tamarind as herbal medicine
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