Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bael fruit in herbal medicine

Bael fruit also called bel, stone or golden apple or sirphal in India, is rich in nutrients.

Bael is an appetizer, it increases strength and it also expels gas. Bale is prescribed for any disorder of the intestine. The unripe fruit treats diarrhea, while the ripe fruit treats constipation, flatulence, and dysentery.

Medicated oil prepared from bael leaves gives relief from recurrent colds and respiratory affections.

The ripen bael fruit is aromatic, cooling and laxative. The ripe fruit is traditionally used as a decongestant for the common cold especially when there is excessive congestion of the lungs as well as for tuberculosis and typhoid fever.

The fruit gum is known for its antiamebic and antihistaminic actions, which are much appreciated in Indian Ayurvedic medicine.

Leaf juice or extract of the plant has antioxidant properties and is directly used in the Unani system of medicine for antidiabetic effects.

All parts of bael tree-stem, bark, root, leaves and fruit at all stages of maturity, have medicinal values.

An analysis of the bael fruit shows that it consists of moisture 59.89%, protein 7.97%, fat 0.14%, dietary fiber 5.24% and carbohydrates 25.06% per 100 grams of edible portion.
Bael fruit in herbal medicine 

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