Arctium lappa, commonly known as burdock has been used therapeutically in Europe, North America and Asia for hundreds of years. The Latin name comes from the Greek “arktos,” or bear, suggesting rough-coated fruits, and “lappa,” which means to seize.
Stout, downy, striated, branched stems (to 1 m) bear alternate, entire leaves which are large (to 50 cm long) and wide with a heart-shaped base and white down underneath. The petioles (leaf-stalks) are solid. The spherical, purple flowerheads are stalked and surrounded by dense clusters of scale-like hooked bracts.
Burdock is traditionally used to treat diseases such as sore throat and infections such as rashes, boils and various skin problems. It was also well known to Native Americans where it was used to relieve dry, scaly skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.
Burdock is specifically cited by Mills & Bone (Principles and practice of phytotherapy 2000) as one of five herbs which research has shown to produce, when given internally as infusions, a moderate solvent action on stones formed from urates. An alkalinizing effect on the urine or a possible urinary antiseptic action is proposed as the underlying cause of this benefit.
In the root, the active ingredients have been found to “detoxify” blood and promote blood circulation to the skin surface, improving the skin quality/texture and curing skin diseases. Antioxidants and anti-diabetic compounds have also been found in the root.
Burdock root is high in calcium, potassium, copper, manganese, sulphur and zinc, as well as amino acids, essential fatty acids, biotin, and Vitamins B1, B6, B12, E and C.
In the seeds, some active compounds possess anti-inflammatory effects, and potent inhibitory effects on the growth of tumors such as the pancreatic carcinoma. In China, seeds are used for common colds and cough.
In the leaf extract, the active compounds isolated can inhibit the growth of micro-organisms in the oral cavity.
Arctium Lappa in herbal medicine
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