Monday, December 21, 2020

Hot spring for treatment of illness

Mineral water from hot springs has been reportedly cure diseases in Eastern Asia. For thousands of years, humans have been seeking solace in the waters of a hot bath.

The therapeutic use of bathing agents such as mineral and thermal waters, muds, and gases can be termed as balneotherapy.

This therapy has been practiced all over the world from early history. People have used geothermal water and mineral water for cozy bathing, medical purposes and cooking, as being implemented previously in New Zealand, North America and other areas.

Presence various of elements and ions, especially sulphur and sulphate ion make hot springs water suitable for medical purposes especially for skin therapy.

To experience the health benefits of hot springs, one must immerse herself/himself in the water. Geothermal springs at various temperatures are invariably attributed with curative powers and used both for external and internal applications.

Certain diseases, including psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, alopecia areata, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic dermatitis, eczema, granuloma annulare, ichthyosis vulgaris, lichen planus, lichen sclerosus and atrophicus, and mycosis fungoides, could be cured with balneotherapy.

Geothermal springs are a naturally occurring sources of water which has been heated underground and rises to the surface under pressure, usually along fault lines or in vicinity of active volcanic environments.

In Japan, hot springs with temperatures above 25°C are considered therapeutic. In Germany, hot thermal springs with a temperature of 20°C have medicinal benefits.
Hot spring for treatment of illness

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